Earl; Real-Time; Overnight
Posted by Tim_NC on 9/2/2010, 1:41 am
Run this loop at max speed and see he's still tracking a solid NW:


Notice how something odd seems going on with the cold front at/near the final frame as storm begin firing up behind it (in what is perhaps a short wave becoming active.)


I doubt there will be any serious changes to Earl's forecast track...but if there's going to be a fly in the ointment, it's clearly that trough and front.

I would note too, the Des Moines, Iowa local met discussion recently out, mentioned a delay to the onset of some precipitation in the northeast.

Are we seeing a small kink in synoptic pattern? Perhaps.....and if anything goes 'wrong', we can blame the Midwesterners, LOL.

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Earl; Real-Time; Overnight - Tim_NC, 9/2/2010, 1:41 am
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