Re: Check out Quote from a local(NYC area)
Posted by Gianmarc on 9/3/2010, 7:34 pm
I'm not sure that reminding New Yorkers of a hurricane that struck the area 72 years ago will do much to disabuse them of the notion that the chances of an event like that are "so small." Only 5 major hurricanes have hit the northeast in the past 375 years, so technically the guy is actually correct.

Is complacency prudent? Not at all. But neither is the kind of groundless hysteria the NY metro area media whips up every time the slightest brush with a storm of any magnitude creeps into the forecast. If anything hardens their denial, that is certainly it -- as the quote illustrates. I lived it and saw it year after year growing up in Brooklyn.
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Check out Quote from a local(NYC area) - Fred, 9/3/2010, 3:02 pm
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