Re: " Possible" Major Eastcoast Blizzard
Posted by Tim_NC on 12/24/2010, 2:44 am
People in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast are getting whipsawed by the models...and weather weenies are jumping off cliffs after seeing the recent EURO runs, lol.

The current weather set up is just too difficult for the models to handle well; best bet is that this will turn into a "nowcast" storm instead of a "forecast" storm.

I expect a solid precipitation dump here but am disgusted by the yucky surface temps. The Arctic air arrives to late to save the day. We get three weeks of unrelenting cold....then we're forecast a  rain storm. UGH.

This month has been hideous.

Tim in NC

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" Possible" Major Eastcoast Blizzard - Fred, 12/22/2010, 9:47 am
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