Re: Some Mainstream Links
Posted by JAC on 2/10/2011, 2:33 pm

Things will only be getting more interesting in the next few weeks / months.

I am really interested to see how the Atlantic hurricane season unfolds and if we see weather mod in real action.

Thinking back on a couple storms and how anti-cyclones suddenly shift around I can now see that this could be a direct result of ELF Ionospheric Heating.

When a TC tracks into an anti-cyclone it will spin up due to the rise in the tropopause which allow the potential vorticity column to stretch vertically.

The opposite effect to squash a TC.

If you position the anti-cyclone behind the TC, it will compress the PV column and spin it down.

The anti-cyclone is nothing more than a localized rise in the tropopause which can easily be manipulated by heating or cooling the ionosphere above it.

In this thread:
Comet Elenin - JAC, 2/7/2011, 9:27 am
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