Solar effects will give increased volcanic and earthquake activity in the next 2 years
Posted by JAC on 2/22/2011, 6:49 am
Solar effects are much more profound than many so-called climate scientists like to admit. It seems entirely plausible to me that earthquakes and volcanism are connected to solar events. This paper by Zhang from 1998 also associates increased Earthquakes with general increases in solar proton events.

Relationship between global seismicity and solar activities
Gui-Qing ZHANG

Vol. 11 No.4 (495~500)  ACTA SEISMOLOGICA SINICA  July, 1998

Beijing Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of  Sciences, Beo'ing 1 O0101, China

Abstract :

The  relations  between  sunspot  numbers and earthquakes  (M>6), solar 10.7cm  radio flux  and  earthquakes,  solar  proton events and earthquakes have been  analyzed in this  paper. It has been found that:

Earthquakes occur frequently around the minimum years  of  solar activity. Generally, the  earthquake  activities are  relatively less during the peak value years of  solar activity, some  say, a round the period when magnetic polarity  in the  solar polar regions  is reversed.
The earthquake frequency in the minimum period of  solar activity is closely related to the  maximum annual means of sunspot numbers, the maximum annual means of solar 10.7 cm radio flux and solar proton events of a whole solar cycle, and the relation between earthquake and solar proton events is closer than others.
As judged by above interrelationship, the period from 1995 to 1997 will be the years while earthquake activities are frequent. In the paper, the simple physical discussion has been carried out.
Piers Corbyn at WeatherAction comments:

"We now think that it is not just general solar proton event levels which point towards more earthquakes but that individual solar proton events exacerbate immediate earthquake (and associated volcanism) risk either directly or due to consequent storm activity and related surface pressure changes such as caused by our solar triggered and predicted Tropical Cyclone Atu which is currently centred North of New Zealand and heading closer.

There are also additional lunar effects on storm development and earthquakes & volcanism and for solar drivers it appears that the odd-even minima, particularly the later part i.e. the rising phase of even solar cycles - WHICH IS WHERE WE ARE NOW (early Solar Cycle 24) - are the most dangerous.

Prediction of individual Earthquakes is very hard but we are very confident of a continuing period of significantly enhanced earthquake and volcanic activity as well as extreme weather events for the coming one or two years, probably exceeding the levels of the most active extended periods in at least the last 100 years."

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Solar Weather & Quake Watch - JAC, 2/22/2011, 5:55 am
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