Re: head spinning, when is the supermoon?
Posted by
ArgosyTn on 3/11/2011, 5:50 pm
Thank you JAC. The supermoon is just a smoke screen but it gives certain individuals an excuse later on. I love watching msm now when a disaster hits like Japan. There is so much conflicting news coming in the first few days the smoke screen isn't up yet. My heart always goes out to the people caught in the middle, like the people of Japan. |
In this thread:
Keep an Eye on the Ionosphere & Magnetosphere -
3/11/2011, 6:36 am- Re: Keep an Eye on the Ionosphere & Magnetosphere - BobbiStorm, 3/11/2011, 12:11 pm
- New Geomagnetic Warning Posted - IMF still red lined - JAC, 3/11/2011, 11:28 am
- New Coronal Hole opening up just north of Equator. - JAC, 3/11/2011, 8:38 am
- Solar Watch Followups - JAC, 3/11/2011, 7:22 am
- AURORAS INVADE THE USA - JAC, 3/11/2011, 7:10 am
- TEC - JAC, 3/11/2011, 7:06 am
- I am praying for everyone in Japan, but watch the USA - JAC, 3/11/2011, 6:44 am
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