Re: Second to last shuttle launch is at 3:47PM EDT on Friday (29th)
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 4/29/2011, 5:39 am
I'll probably try to make the last one too. I went to one last year, twice since it was delayed the first time, and even from Tampa it is a long trip. This one would have had a lot of people anyway, but with Gabrielle Giffords and her husband commanding and the President being there, it will be even more busy.

The last launch is going to be a mob. It will be summer, so all the kids will be out of school and it will also be very hot of course. I would probably get there a day ahead of time to get a good view. There's just no telling how many people might come from all over the world for that one.

I'll try to see today's launch from my house in Tampa. Hopefully today it will be clear across the state.
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Second to last shuttle launch is at 3:47PM EDT on Friday (29th) - Chris in Tampa, 4/28/2011, 11:14 pm
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