Re: Court Rules US Taxpayers, Not BP Or Transocean, Are Liable For Gulf Oil Spill Clean Up Costs
Posted by
ArgosyTn on 6/21/2011, 11:02 am
It happens all the time the taxpayer is stuck with the bill. The people in my area are finding out about there insurance companies lack of payments. The insurance industries especially the big ones screw the claimant big time. After the disaster is over who's to know and just like Katrina and so on.
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- Court Rules US Taxpayers, Not BP Or Transocean, Are Liable For Gulf Oil Spill Clean Up Costs - JAC, 6/21/2011, 5:38 am
- Re: Court Rules US Taxpayers, Not BP Or Transocean, Are Liable For Gulf Oil Spill Clean Up Costs - ArgosyTn, 6/21/2011, 11:02 am
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- Re: German radioactive waste OK'd for Tennessee - JAC, 6/20/2011, 10:18 am
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