What can happen in the weeks & months ahead?
Posted by canetrakker on 8/11/2011, 5:48 pm
Things seem relatively quiet right now on the 11th of August 2011, but look at what can happen in the weeks and months ahead.. How anyone (donh) can say with such conviction on August 11 that the U.S. will not be hit this season is absurd.. Maybe nothing will happen, that wouldn't be unheard of as we have all witnessed in the past few years... but maybe something will & sure can as history proves.. Point is how can anyone say such a thing today with the meat & potatos of the season still ahead.. Heck, I sure had no idea on August 11, 1992 that the eye of a CAT 5 hurricane would be making landfall 30 miles to my south 2 weeks later.

September 8, 1900.

September 18,1926.

September 26, 1928

1935 Labor Day Hurricane

September 21,1938

October 15, 1954

September 10, 1960

September 8, 1965

September 22, 1989

August 24, 1992

October 4, 1995

September 16, 1999

September 5, 2004

September 25, 2004

September 16, 2004

August 29, 2005

September 24, 2005

October, 24, 2005

Sept. 13, 2008

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What can happen in the weeks & months ahead? - canetrakker, 8/11/2011, 5:48 pm
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