Cover up
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Skip Wiley on 8/13/2011, 10:09 pm
I don't want to get off on a rant here but...
I do not believe in conspiracy theories but Charley and Andrew were cover ups.
So the day after Charley hits, the EOC director is begging for body bags from two trailer parks. The next day "Jeb" (W's brother) arrived and magically the death toll was 3??? I saw a trailer park on US 41 on lockdown by state troopers, no one in at all, even media. Every other neighborhood in Punta Gorda was open to rubber neckers. Word is the elderly cast off retirees in mobile homes had no families so they weren't missed and no one wanted to embarrass the prez's little bro with a nasty death toll.
No one had any idea what a hurricane was like in Florida between David and Andrew. There is no way the migrants in Homestead got the word to evacuate and I somehow doubt they had adequate shelter. I have a couple of friends that heard of freezer trucks being stacked with bodies on the way out of Homestead after delivering ice. I doubt the employers of a bunch of illegal aliens would report the death and they would be stuck for the HR shipping costs. |
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