Dear Irene
Posted by Stedwoo on 8/22/2011, 5:00 pm
Dear Irene,

I am sick and tired of your family and its antics this year.

I already had a visit from one of your cousins, Churchill Downs Tornado, on June 22 in Lousiville Ky. It was one of 5 funnel clouds that day. I saw your destructive cousin before she formed and was ready when she popped out. What I was not ready for was seeing building explode and debris flying through the air and falling around me. That was my third visit from one of your family members in year once in Kansas and Minnesota during the summer of 2010 .

I toured Alabama and the midwest, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Georgia this summer seeing all the towns your cousins the tornadoes wiped out.

Your older sister in 1999 brought 10 to 20 inches of rain, 1999 Irene and left me walking in water for days. Might I suggest you follow your middle sister 2005 Irene and go for a visit to the middle Atlantic.

I have had my fill of the destructive weather family this year! I do not want to see anymore of your families destruction anywhere this year especially where I live so go pitch your fit somewhere else.

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Dear Irene - Stedwoo, 8/22/2011, 5:00 pm
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