Re: Dear Irene
Posted by Stedwoo on 8/22/2011, 7:14 pm
I leave home the first of june and travel 12,000 miles with a drum and bugle corps Teal Sound. I don't get home until August 15th and I am wiped when I get home. Try spending that many days with a 144 kids ages 15 to 21 while traveling every day, sleeping on the floor and taking cold showers every day.

On the weather side we spent a number of days in areas that had been destroyed by tornadoes in the spring. This along with my previous hurricane adventures leaves me in no mood for Irene. I am reading everyone's post and comments to see if I need to dig in. Not worried about Irene yet but will be interested to see tomorrows model runs as they will have most of the data they need for a clear picture of what Irene is going to do. The spaghetti should tighten up if not it is going to be a crap shoot to see which one is right. Their has not been enough storms this year to get a clear picture of which of the models is on a hot streak so the outlying ones could be right.

I am concerned about what the high is going to do as this will the steering mechanism. If that high digs into the south then Florida should be fine but if it weakens Irene will get to close for comfort.

In this thread:
Dear Irene - Stedwoo, 8/22/2011, 5:00 pm
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