Re: A no win situation
Posted by Chucktowner on 8/29/2011, 8:32 am
It is MEDIA. Their job is to get faces in front of COMMERCIALS that sponsor their programming. Hence the term "Commercial Television". Same for Print Media.

I am blaming neither media nor advertisers. It is what it is. Personal responsibility is the sole guidance here not CBS, NBC, CNN, TWC or the NHC for that matter.

We live in the richest, most abundant society in all of human history. With the greatest access to more information than at any other time in human history. The average person can instantly view hundreds if not thousands of pieces of information about a storm from the palm of their hand by using a $100.00 smart phone!

Virtually every local, state & federal government entity has a website that provides massive amounts of information free of charge. University website have tons of free information on wind loading, meteorology, atmospherics, physics, hurricanes, interactive flood maps et al.

85% of the population can turn to social media to information and or input from their peers or professionals in just about every area of science currently known.

If any person of reasonable means and intelligence made a decision to stay or evacuate without having made a serious effort to learn as much about the situation as possible and then complains because CNN hyped Irene, shame on them. It is our responsibility to learn the facts and make decisions based on those facts. It is CNN's responsibility to sell stuff and make a profit for their shareholders.

The media may have been a legitimate scapegoat in the dark ages way, way back in 1975. Not any more. Today, there are no excuses for not separating the facts from the hype IMHO.

In this thread:
A no win situation - Darwin24, 8/29/2011, 7:22 am
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