Re: Wave blowing up on the way to Miami . . .
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BobbiStorm on 7/22/2012, 9:58 am
Yeah, I thought on that a bit.... normally I would say it's going up the East coast through the Bahamas but this wave has had a strong western component. I jokingly thought last night on how it reminded me of Georges... moving steadily across all the islands in the Caribbean.
You would think it deserves a meager yellow circle even with a Zero percent chance...considering a few they put up earlier that were no where near Collins Avenue and most of South Florida. With it being Sunday, so many people go to the beach, take out boats..and without a serious mention by the NHC they ignore it as "just another Summer Rainy Day" when in fact... this is one big, mean mass of rain headed their way....
Just my thoughts... but this is a real possible FAIL ... even the smallest mention by the NHC ratchets up the locals when it comes to taking something a bit more serious than just another rain event.
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