Re: Still shifting west...are Hurricane Warning hopefully dropped
Posted by GCG on 8/27/2012, 3:37 pm
I'm staying put too..... my entire neighborhood is.  I'm thinking our seawall will be breached, but it shouldn't flood the neighborhood.... just the end of the street (hopefully).

We have 2 new neighbors on my street new to FL so they are worried.  I think we've eased their fears in terms of assuring them it's going to be ok here.... but I did warn them that the wind is going to be scary.    For people who've never been through a big storm, even Tropical Storm force winds can be scary.  The houses shake and make all kinds of noises you aren't used to hearing.

If this is your first big storm here, be prepared to be a little rattled.

Please check on any elderly neighbors after the storm.  We did this after Ivan; we took the tractor and went through a few surrounding neighborhoods helping shovel out the debris for the elderly who simply can't do it themselves.  Even if we don't get bad  storm surge, there may be trees down and other debris that they can't move themselves.  This is the time to step up, show up without being asked and lend a hand.  It's the Southern way :)
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Still shifting west...are Hurricane Warning hopefully dropped - andrew, 8/27/2012, 9:11 am
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