Re: Model Discussion on Future Systems
Posted by
jimw on 8/6/2013, 5:19 pm
couldn't agree with you guys more and not only that I don't know if you have noticed I have cut back significantly on my update videos. The fact of the matter is all of that model data is available online for anyone who is not too lazy to go look at it. It's basically repeating the same stuff that all the hurricane geeks know already and by the time half the people watch it the models have swung anyways. I have also seen other forums where it seems there is this need for each poster to "outknow" the previous poster and cherry pick data that half the time does not even exist or the "I have a hunch" post with nothing to back it up. GET A LIFE until there is a serious threat developing at which time you turn on the TV and watch the weather channel,now back to my soaps.;-). Hurricane season Aug 20-Oct 20 PS im currently quint from Jaws smashing the CB radio
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