Requests for Twitter Names & Links. Thanks in advance...
Posted by
BobbiStorm on 5/23/2014, 11:17 am
Hi there!
I've been a little bit quiet but i have been reading along.
As we are less than 10 days way from the start of the Hurricane Season this is my yearly request to any links, sites, Twitter Names you would wish to share..
We are a great group of knowledgeable weather people and the sharing that goes on here makes this one of the best message boards online ... hosted by one of the best hurricane sites
Many people here work hard on sites, Twitter and other social media sites discussing and warning others of approaching tropical weather.
Now days we post on Twitter... Tumblr.. Facebook... we talk on IMs... whatsapp and even snapchat... so if anyone would like to share please post your name or in a post and I know I will follow along gladly and am sure many others would like to as well.
We are a wonderful group of weather people... and we owe a lot to all of the people who make this message board what it is during the Hurricane Season...a good reliable source of accurate information.
Thanks... Besos Bobbi @bobbistorm on Twitter
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Requests for Twitter Names & Links. Thanks in advance... - BobbiStorm, 5/23/2014, 11:17 am Post A Reply
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