Re: 5PM Jul 2nd- And a "Hurricane Warning" has just been issued
Posted by
Chris in Tampa on 7/2/2014, 8:59 pm
If you have Google Earth, you can use my Google Earth product: Next year that will be available in Google Maps. Many, many hundreds of hours of work until that though.
This site has images too, but you can't click for more data:
If no Google Earth, on my site you can browse the archive of recon for this storm:
Like HDOBs. taken every 30 seconds:
For example, 988mb just occurred, with 10kts of wind. A rough estimate is that you take off 1mb for every about 10kts of wind. So maybe 987mb. I forget what article that came from at the moment, but it just means they likely did not quite the hit center if there is wind. If they hit the exact center, the wind should be calm.
Of course many disclaimers here. Data is raw. At the moment my site keeps missing NOAA HDOBs because the data is coming across too fast. I have to add it in manually. Tonight I am beginning work on a system to check the NHC archive as a backup. Maybe that will be around for the next storm.
You have to look at what level a wind speed is from. Flight level winds are higher, but not all planes travel at the same height. Also, my archive logs the highest flight level winds on the mission. If the plane flies through a powerful front or jet stream, you will see those high winds in my archive, but they are not from the storm itself. Also, sometimes winds are not representative even if from the storm. If they go through an outer heavy rain band it might give high winds and really heavy rain, but they may not consider that representative of the winds elsewhere.
Surface winds in HDOBs are estimates, subject to error. Especially in heavy rain.
MSLPs in those HDOBs are estimates.
Lots of various disclaimers on data. |
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5PM Jul 2nd- track shifts west -
7/2/2014, 5:05 pm Post A Reply
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