08W.NEOGURI expected to be a Super Typhoon
Posted by
hanna on 7/5/2014, 7:48 am
winds expected to reach [b]140kts/161.109mph[/b] not to far south-east of Kadena, Japan.
Kadena Air Base is the hub of airpower in the Pacific, and home to the Air Force's largest combat wing -- the 18th Wing -- and a variety of associate units. Together they form "Team Kadena" -- a world-class combat team ready to fight and win from the Keystone of the Pacific.
Nearly 18,000 Americans and more than 4,000 Japanese employees and contractors make up Team Kadena. The base's estimated economic impact upon Okinawa's economy is more than $700 million annually. http://www.kadena.af.mil/
From the JMA. http://www.jma.go.jp/en/typh/
TY 1408 (NEOGURI) Issued at 09:45 UTC, 5 July 2014
Analyses at 05/09 UTC> Scale - Intensity Strong Center position N16°20'(16.3°) E136°20'(136.3°) Direction and speed of movement WNW 25km/h(14kt) Central pressure 955hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 40m/s(80kt) Maximum wind gust speed 60m/s(115kt) Area of 50kt winds or more ALL150km(80NM) Area of 30kt winds or more SE500km(270NM) NW330km(180NM)
<Forecast for 05/21 UTC> Intensity Very Strong Center position of probability circle N17°30'(17.5°) E133°50'(133.8°) Direction and speed of movement WNW 25km/h(13kt) Central pressure 945hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 45m/s(85kt) Maximum wind gust speed 60m/s(120kt) Radius of probability circle 90km(50NM) Storm warning area ALL260km(140NM) <Forecast for 06/09 UTC>
Intensity Very Strong Center position of probability circle N19°00'(19.0°) E131°35'(131.6°) Direction and speed of movement NW 25km/h(13kt) Central pressure 935hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 45m/s(90kt) Maximum wind gust speed 65m/s(130kt) Radius of probability circle 140km(75NM) Storm warning area ALL310km(170NM)
<Forecast for 07/06 UTC> Intensity Very Strong Center position of probability circle N21°35'(21.6°) E128°30'(128.5°) Direction and speed of movement NW 20km/h(12kt) Central pressure 925hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 45m/s(90kt) Maximum wind gust speed 65m/s(130kt) Radius of probability circle 260km(140NM) Storm warning area ALL460km(250NM)
<Forecast for 08/06 UTC> Intensity Very Strong Center position of probability circle N26°05'(26.1°) E127°05'(127.1°) Direction and speed of movement NNW 20km/h(12kt) Central pressure 925hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 45m/s(90kt) Maximum wind gust speed 65m/s(130kt) Radius of probability circle 390km(210NM) Storm warning area ALL600km(325NM)

From the JTWC http://www.usno.navy.mil/JTWC/

From the NRL Tropical Cyclone Page http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/htdocs_dyn_pregen_sat/PUBLIC/tc_pages/pages/tc14/WPAC/08W.NEOGURI/tc_ssmis/composite/full/20140705.0801.f17.x.composite.08WNEOGURI.115kts-937mb-160N-1370E.39pc.html

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08W.NEOGURI expected to be a Super Typhoon - hanna, 7/5/2014, 7:48 am Post A Reply
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