Re: Radar loop of Otto crossing Central America
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Chris in Tampa on 11/25/2016, 1:20 pm
I don't know about that specific imagery, but a nice site to look back a week perhaps for a variety of other imagery available you see in the the floater is here: All > Global Imagery
But that type you mention is especially nice for stacking, but I don't know where else it is. The floaters keep re-positioning, so the only imagery kept, as far as I know, is what you see. Here is the directory it comes from:
You would think all this imagery would be permanently saved somewhere, so that perhaps you could make a loop of the entire storm, but I don't know of that kind of thing. I wish the SSEC RealEarth imagery was available permanently, but they delete it too.
In this particular case, you can go back just a little further using the 16L floater imagery which has yet to be deleted: I created an image loop of around the time it came off the coast until now. Older imagery than this is not available from that folder: |
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