Anyone else having trouble reaching
Posted by
Beachlover on 4/19/2017, 6:06 pm
Redacted IP
Message modified by board administrator on 4/19/2017, 7:11 pm
Here's the message I received today when I tried to reach the NHC's Tropical Update page - had NO problem yesterday. The IP address shown belongs to my ISP, Earthlink, so it may only affect Earthlink users, though I can't imagine why they'd be blocked. The message below was apparently generated by "McAfee Web Gateway". Later on if I have time I'll try to contact Earthlink about this:
An unspecific error occurred while processing your request.
If you continue to have problems please contact your local IT Help Desk. Client IP: (redacted) URL: ( URL Categories: Unknown RuleSet/Rule(ID): Client Filtering/(Client Block) Block if Client IP not in Allowed_Clients (8) Error Message: (0) generated 2017-04-19 21:57:12 by 00A0D759-B578-11E2-A46C-001E675C4FD8 Rule: (Client Block) Block if Client IP not in Allowed_Clients(Client Filtering) Response: 40
In this thread:
Anyone else having trouble reaching - Beachlover, 4/19/2017, 6:06 pm- P.S. - Beachlover, 4/19/2017, 6:10 pm
- Re: P.S. - Chris in Tampa, 4/19/2017, 7:51 pm
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