Satellite layer update for recon system
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/7/2017, 3:18 pm
I added GOES-16 satellite layers:

I'll probably be removing some of the water vapor layers. There's two many. But there are different satellite views: visible, water vapor (color/b&w) and infrared (color/b&w). Full disk for the entire Atlantic and East Pacific, every 15 minutes. CONUS for the Continental US, every 5 minutes. Two mesoscale regions that change, every 1 minute when available. Depending on what the mesoscale look like when there is no data, I might have to remove them. Eventually I will add the satellite imagery times and ways to refresh the image, but I still need to figure out how. Maybe later in the year.

GOES-16 is not yet operational, so the data could be subject to error and availability.

Satellite imagery is from:
Go to "All" under "Products" and then to the "GOES-16 preliminary non-operational" folder and click the "+" to add it.

Information about 16 different spectral bands on GOES-16:

Information about modes of operation for GOES-16:

At the moment the mesoscale 2 region is Franklin, with satellite data every minute.

GOES-16 data here too:
Though they are updating their site today.

And also here:
In this thread:
Hurricane watch issued for Franklin along eastern Yucatan coast - Chris in Tampa, 8/7/2017, 5:05 am
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