I've been following them also
Posted by cypresstx on 5/10/2018, 7:34 pm
they've had great updates, I saved a shortcut to their youtube videos to my toolbar  https://www.youtube.com/user/bigislandvideonews/videos

I really like Erik Klemetti's blog & Twitter - I've been reading his stuff for over a decade I think.  He was discussing the lava lake drop yesterday, kinda crazy

I've been seeing a lot of comments online, making light of people living on an active volcano, but the locals who work for a living have to deal with a crazy expensive cost of living & they live where they can afford to live.  They have fewer eruption emergencies than we have flood emergencies or FL has hurricane emergencies - it's all kind of relative - we all have our risks that we take. They are all also most likely uninsured for lava  :(  My heart really goes out to them, housing costs are just unreal there & I hope they all find decent homes they can afford.
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Kilauea getting more dangerous - cypresstx, 5/9/2018, 8:41 pm
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