Re: RAMMB's Slider hasn't been working right for me for a while - O/T
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/25/2019, 12:41 am
You might try forcing the page to reload everything, rather than read anything from your disk's cache. In Chrome and Firefox at least, you can click "Ctrl" and then as you hold that click the "F5" button on your keyboard. That will force that page to load everything again. If there is an outdated script that needs to be updated, it should then be updated. There might be a possibility your ISP could have something cached though, I don't really know how that works.

Or maybe it is a memory issue?

Or maybe an addon is blocking something? I have an ad blocker and popup blocker but it doesn't give me any issues on that page.

I tried the site in Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Internet Explorer and everything worked.

To zoom in I could use the scroll wheel on my mouse, the +/- keys, the buttons in the left column or right clicking on the imagery in the display and selecting a value form 16km to 0.5km in the small that appears. Choosing other options worked too in the left column.

The RealEarth display is nice too, if it works for you:
But you may have said that doesn't work for you as well in the past.

If you use too much imagery in 24 hours on that site they now dislay a watermark on imagery. You can get twice as much free if you register. After that to remove the watermark you have to pay. (

Their site is a little harder to navigate, unless you save a view with layers you like.

I created this link mostly manually:,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND15.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND14.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-B13-CYAN.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND13-GRAD.90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND13.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND12.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND11.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND10.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND09-VAPR.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND09.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND08.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND07-FIRE.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND07.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND06.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND05.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND04.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND03.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND02.-90,G16-ABI-MESO2-BAND01.-90&center=12,-55&zoom=6&basemap=bluemarble&labels=line&view=leaflet

But you can create a link using the display. Select the layers you want in the "Product" menu in the left column. They get added to the "Displayed" tab. Unselect the option to currently see the layer after it loads it. You can get a "Displayed" tab with dozens of overlays, but you don't want to view all at once. You can then go to the "Share" tab at the top of the left column and in the window that popus up you get a short link to the display you created.

To edit the link manually, visit the short link and then cop the url of the long link you are taken to. You can edit the link manually. The first layer in the "products=" part is what is loaded last. The layer first seen in the left column is what is at the end of the "products=" part of the url. Layers are separated by commas.

Example of a layer:


The layer name ends with a dot followed by a hyphen if you don't want to automatically load the layer on load. Then is a number that is the opacity. 100 is fully visible. 90 would be 90% opacity, so you can just see through it. 50 would 50%.

But you can save a highly zoomed out link with poplar layer so you don't have to search through each time.

Their site also now has a 3D option too, in the top left corner of the imagery. They use Cesium, what I use for the live recon display.
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Dorian - cypresstx, 8/24/2019, 5:33 pm
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