Hurricane Hanna, 24 inches in 48 hours?
Posted by
Target on 7/25/2020, 10:40 am
Maybe someone can help me understand this graphic.

In this thread:
91L -
7/22/2020, 9:42 am- Re: 91L - Stedwoo, 7/27/2020, 1:24 am
- still a trop storm - radar estimated precip - cypresstx, 7/26/2020, 11:04 am
- Landfall - Chris in Tampa, 7/25/2020, 6:29 pm
- Hurricane Hanna - 1st of 2020 Atlantic season - cypresstx, 7/25/2020, 9:23 am
- Hurricane Hanna, 24 inches in 48 hours? - Target, 7/25/2020, 10:40 am
- Re: 91L - Stedwoo, 7/24/2020, 7:22 pm
- MRMS radar - cypresstx, 7/24/2020, 10:54 am
- recon - cypresstx, 7/24/2020, 7:04 am
- Now Hanna - Chris in Tampa, 7/23/2020, 11:52 pm
- Now Tropical Depression Eight; Tropical storm watch issued for much of Texas coastline - Chris in Tampa, 7/23/2020, 12:48 am
- Re: 91L - cypresstx, 7/22/2020, 10:47 am
- Re: 91L - cypresstx, 7/22/2020, 1:07 pm
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