Re: horrid
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 2/17/2021, 8:44 pm
I'm sorry to hear that. I saw on the news tonight about Houston's issues and thought you might be without power. One part of the state that gets power from elsewhere was doing a lot better, but poor infrastructure investment seems to be the problem in other parts of the state, including Houston. I know some are trying to blame other things, but it's poor investment. There shouldn't be a circumstance where power has to be shut off, either due to demand or in California's case sometimes, wind.

I know frozen pipes can be a problem. I guess my grandmother years ago had that problem. It was below the house though, so all that happened was a massive water bill and then it had to be repaired. We've been worrying about that this time since her temperatures have been below freezing for days, but no issues yet. She luckily also has a gas log fireplace for warmth in case her power goes out.

The problem in Texas is that if you don't have water, for whatever reason, you can't drip your faucets either.

Like a hurricane though, there's power crews on the way from other states. We've had some in our area leave for Louisiana for a few weeks. Not sure about other places.

I can't say I'm familiar with what to do for an ice/snow/mix storm. So many different aspects to it potentially. I know ice on trees is a disaster. Since this is a rare event on this magnitude for some in the south, it makes it a lot worse than areas more prepared.
In this thread:
How is everyone doing with the cold weather? - Chris in Tampa, 2/16/2021, 9:04 pm
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