46 years ago yesterday/today, my first hurricane
Posted by
Fred on 8/10/2022, 7:36 pm
Aug 10th 1976 I was 6 at the time. so don't remember to much, but do remember my parents letting me stay up late to see the storm. It made landfall very early on the 10th(just after midnight). Wind was strong heavy rain blowing sideways, remember the way the rain was blowing made it look like snow.
The next hurricane I was excited about was in 1979 as the storm had my full first name Frederic(k). But it wasn't until Gloria when i really got interested in Hurricanes and weather. No major weather events happened in my area after Gloria until the early 90's when we had 4 major events within 19 months(Bob Aug 91, Perfect storm Oct 91, Dec 11-12 1992 Noreaster, and The superstorm of Marc 1993
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46 years ago yesterday/today, my first hurricane - Fred, 8/10/2022, 7:36 pm Post A Reply
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