Out of date 1944 map: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/data/tracks/tracks-at-1944.png From here: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/data/#tracks_all That list they have there was not updated when they added the 2021 map, which is here: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/data/tracks/tracks-at-2021.png And there is no 2022 map yet. The last update they made to any of the maps was mostly May 5th, 2022: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/data/tracks/?C=M;O=D When they added the 2021 map. (Maybe they will add 2022 map in May) Only one updated after that was on October 17th, 2022 for the 1966 map. In September they modified other data, in addition to the 1944 storm, mostly for 1966, so maybe that was why they got around to that map. Maybe they just forgot to do the others. List of changes in the ATCF system: https://ftp.nhc.noaa.gov/atcf/NOTICE I'll update all the best track data at HurricaneCity within a day or two. When I do, all the HurricaneCity best track data will temporarily disappear when I delete it. Then I will upload all the new data immediately after. Or maybe on your site I'll keep the old data, upload the new, then change the folder name so there is no down time between uploading. Edit: HurricaneCity best track data has been updated. 1944 storm can be seen here. O/T I can't on my site because the amount of file storage would go over what I am apparently allowed to have. (I have to delete the other files first and then add them again) It's supposed to be unlimited, but I'm within about 5GB of a limit of 25GB I got an email about, so I'll have to get into that with my web host when it gets closer. No one lets you have like half a million files on shared hosting, so my host has been very generous for like 20 years now when it comes to that part. I might even finally update my site too. My site is much more difficult to update as I have to also recreate all the model and fix data. Because Euro data has also been added to my site in those same folders I update, it gets complicated to try and preserve that data. I was going to wait until I redesign the model system, but that might still be a few years. On my site, the entire model system has over a quarter of a million files (over 8 gigabytes) as of 2021. So I have to download the Euro data at least, then recreate it all offline from the 5,782 files (395.23 megabytes) I just downloaded from the NHC's ATCF archive. And if they ever add a storm it messes with the numbering still I think, which might make the Euro data appear for the wrong storm. I can't remember if I ever created an extra check to reduce that possibility. I don't think so. Like for example, in 1992 a pre-season storm was added after the season. Tropical Depression One that year has the number 02L. So if that ever happens now, and I have Euro data for a storm that I downloaded from ECMWF, I associate that with a storm number in real time. If the numbering changes post season, the numbering will be off. So if I recreate all the model data, and the numbering has changed, the ECMWF data would be in the wrong folder. Eventually I need to add extra checks, like storing the name too and if the names don't match, I could manually make corrections post season and move the data to the correct number. I'll have to see if any numbering issues like that have occurred since I started downloading Euro data in 2016. I won't update the invest data on my site. Too complicated and not much use. It might be a week before it's done on my site, if I do it. I've never tried recreating it in place before rather than deleting it all first. (because I want to preserve Euro data and not mess with invests) Doing just the best track data at HurricaneCity is so much easier. Delete everything and just upload the more simply processed best track data. (I forget how long it takes to process, probably 10 or 15 minutes) Processing the best track, model and fix data on my site takes many hours if I recall. Including upload time, it usually takes 10 or 12 hours probably. |