Re: New Category 5 hurricane added
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 4/3/2023, 12:51 am
I recreated the data on my site too. Was really easy for your site. Mine took most of a day. If I ever get around to redesigning the model system, I am going to not create the model wind swath file because it's so large. I'll make it so that a smaller file, that is used in the model maps, is read and dynamically the model wind swath file would be created client side so that they could download it. Would save file space and bandwidth on the server. Would be slow on an older computer to create, but most people have better computers now. Even Windows 8 is no longer supported, so people should have a better computer now. The file size is so large because for every model forecast position I create a wind radii that has a lot of data required to draw the curve graphically. I forget if I have a coordinate every degree or maybe every several degrees around the radii. In Google Earth you can't say draw a circle with a certain radius from a central point. You have to do the calculations to create the actual 90 degree segment for each radii. (If I do a circle with points every degree, that's 360 coordinates, lat/lon, needed to show the circle) Maybe a few dozen points per model sometimes. Maybe 50 to 100 models. That involved a lot of code that ups the file size. And, because it is a static file, I have to have a filled radii option and a just the line option. That means twice as much code in the file. Each position of a storm might have a file that is 1 to 2 megabytes. 4 times a day. For every storm. It adds gigabytes to the total system size. One of these years I'll finally get around to it. The model map file might be like 50kb compared to 1 to 2 megabytes of storage on the server, I would use the same file that I already use for the map.

Since November I have been scanning family pictures and touching some up. I finally finished scanning over 4,000 pictures, but still have to crop and touch up some. And then organize them. They had been my grandmother's pictures. After she died I decided I would scan them all since it was hard to decide who should get which pictures. I added some smaller sized files on my Google Drive and have them for family to download if they want what I have done so far and will eventually pass out flash drives with the full pictures, and some video, to family members. I was going to scan my pictures too, but there might be 10 to 15 thousand. I might do some occasionally. For the last storm I ripped everything out of albums and have them in three large containers in bags. So that might just continue to be what I do for now. For a storm, I could take them with me. Doesn't do anything for a fire though.
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New Category 5 hurricane added - Fred, 2/27/2023, 8:19 pm
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