Re: my new fav "hurricane" song
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Chris in Tampa on 1/9/2024, 9:35 pm
It seems like there are a lot of hurricane songs where it's a metaphor, and often not about a literal hurricane.
I was Googling for some:
Rock You Like A Hurricane is probably the most famous with "hurricane" in the title I guess, but it's not about hurricanes.
For songs with it in the title, I've liked Bridgit Mendler's Hurricane:
When it was initially released in 2012, I think based on the name of the song I couldn't resist seeing it performed live in a free performance in Tampa that I put on my YouTube channel:
I didn't know at the time, or up until now, that there were so many songs with "hurricane" in the title. |
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my new fav "hurricane" song -
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