Eclipse Viewing
Posted by
Chris in Tampa on 4/7/2024, 9:42 pm
You can lookup the times after entering your city, or one close by to you:
While you can't look directly at it without glasses or you will damage your eyes, you can use a few other methods, including using a food strainer (colander) if you have direct sunlight.
Or even let it shine through binoculars.
You don't have to wait for the peak to see the crescent shapes.
It even makes the effect naturally through leaves that are close together.
You can put a piece of paper on the ground if the surface is rough or not flat.
Some pictures from a previous eclipse here in Tampa.

For a previous eclipse I had glasses for it, but they expire after a few years. I took a picture of it through the glasses. (you can't take a picture directly of it without some kind of filter or it might damage your camera too)
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