GOES Image Viewer has an East Meso dedicated to it
Posted by
cypresstx on 4/8/2024, 12:55 pm
Watch the Eclipse - April 8, 2024
The eclipse's path can be added to GOES-East CONUS animations as an overlay. Users can toggle its display as a guide for where to see eclipse shadow traverse that view for all satellite channels. A GOES-East Mesoscale will follow the path of the eclipse. Mesoscale views produce new images every minute, so this view will give you the most dynamic view of the eclipse's progress.
My eldest brother & his latest wife stopped in TX on their road trip to view it, they are van-camping like teenagers, lol - now in Mena, AR |
In this thread:
Eclipse Viewing -
Chris in Tampa,
4/7/2024, 9:42 pm- GOES Image Viewer has an East Meso dedicated to it - cypresstx, 4/8/2024, 12:55 pm
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