Re: Arcadia
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 10/9/2024, 8:49 pm
I was looking at all the Halloween and Christmas decorations in Lowes this morning. Some neat stuff. Expensive as heck though.

A lot of people were lucky in this storm. Most of Tampa Bay will see little surge. Not sure about eastern Pinellas where wind will have pushed some water from bay, but I wouldn't expect much. Of course further south, they got it.

The water came up:

Not many tidal stations though, so we only have obs from much further south. I would imagine there are cameras filming it.

Am conserving battery power to look much, but Jim should have some cameras:

Will be a hard hit for them for surge. Not sure about winds yet.
In this thread:
Arcadia - karen, 10/9/2024, 8:23 pm
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