I wish live radar was easily available to the public in real time
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 11/3/2024, 4:39 pm
NOAA used to have it in a format my site could easily process, but then they changed the equipment. For the Air Force, you wouldn't get that kind of thing other than some quick screenshots or video clips posted by the individual hurricane hunters on Twitter for example.

I'm glad the NHC will get it now though. Honestly, I didn't know they didn't. I guess I should have figured that though. NOAA's raw data is mostly all put on this site:

But most things you can't really look at without special software. I've never tried to read anything other than plain text stuff.

As for other recon stuff, at some point I need to add the n ew drone data to the recon system. I haven't gotten around to it yet. Some of that drone data is here:

But not all of it. I need to add what I can and then ask them for the rest of the recent flights that were not posted there.

In realtime it comes across here, but not always I guess:

I was kind of waiting to see if it got posted, the more recent flights, before I added that data, and in case there were any changes to how it worked. I haven't configured the system for that particular drone yet. (which is dropped from the plane in a tube like a dropsonde and then the wings open and it flies around for awhile)
In this thread:
97L (not Patty) - 60/80% over 2/7 days - cypresstx, 11/2/2024, 12:28 pm
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