Re: WestPAC is in overdrive...
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 11/11/2024, 8:31 pm
I wish Bluesky worked in a way that I could embed posts automatically from a link. I'm seeing if I can resolve what I need server side in some kind of not too complex way.

If I can't, or it might not be something I want to do, I might build a database of users that get posted here more often.

For example, Philippe Papin's profile handle is "". But to embed a post, you need to know a piece of technical data. His unique user id is "did:plc:k7e3nt53n5g5e3rc655qzckw". I might take that string after "did:plc:" and automatically in the code at CaneTalk save those user ids so that if the system here detects someone posting a link from a profile it has stored, then it can add that and display the embed code.

There is a site people can use to create embed code from a link:

Or just on the thread itself, but that adds an extra step and has to deal with copying all the code.

I did just find how to get the unique user id:
But will need to think about how to integrate that if I can.
In this thread:
WestPAC is in overdrive... - cypresstx, 11/11/2024, 9:08 am
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