Re: my heart really goes out to all in the path of the rain
Posted by cypresstx on 11/14/2024, 6:14 pm
a dear friend/co-worker who was from Honduras often spoke about the good, but mostly poor people she grew up with, her grandma was actually a mayor of one of the islands where she grew up, yet still, they were very poor

I have 1 brother & 1 sister who both used to do humanitarian trips to Honduras when they were younger & able. Brother, who used to be an optician, would collect used eye glasses before going, fix, then fit them on Hondurans who had not seen with clear vision in years. This was in the mountainous areas near Tegucigalpa, which was where they had to fly in to. I still save my old eyeglasses & donate them to causes that rejuvenate & reuse them to this day

our youngest son works for a roastery/cafe, whose Cuban owner often visits the small coffee growers (all over, but many in central america) & helps them achieve "certified organic" status, often paying the heavy fees it entails in the various countries himself. these are small growers that are often women owned farms, for varying reasons. 3 feet of hard rain & flooding could ruin not only an entire seasons income, but put them under, as they don't really make a huge sum to begin with
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4pm EST Wednesday on Potential Tropical Cyclone Nineteen in Caribbean: 30mph - Chris in Tampa, 11/13/2024, 5:25 pm
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