Re: it's repair vs replacement cost
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 12/1/2024, 1:36 pm
Insurance is a pain in the... everything. If you ever need it, then the pain would just be starting.

I was kicked off Citizens, Florida' insurance company. I thought the transfer to another company was supposed to happen many months from now, but it actually happened during the hurricane season instead. Got a letter saying if you have a claim before a certain date, it was Citizens. After, another company. Didn't need to file anything, but that was a surprise. We knew we were getting kicked off, but it seemed like it was when the policy was to be renewed.

And on the topic of what I was taking about before, the neighborhood next to me just sent out an email about having a meeting this weekend they are hosting about elevating existing homes. I can't imagine how much that would cost. And, the amount of things that can go wrong, but I guess for some it might be less than building a new house.
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3 am Monday - Sara's last advisory - cypresstx, 11/18/2024, 6:10 am
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