Re: Explanation of the Quackery.
Posted by Tim_NC on 3/1/2011, 10:39 am
Intentional weather modification is not a conspiracy; it's been going on for over half a century; and includes everything from hail suppression to hurricane modification (Project Stormfury); none of which was done in secret.

That further research may be ongoing would not surprise me but I see no reason to be concerned about it. Suggesting there's "usually something behind conspiracies" is false. Conspiracy theories (financial, political, scientific, aliens... etc.) are a dime a dozen but reality is almost always random and chaotic.

Here are some examples of the irrationality of weather conspiracy beliefs:

1.) Global Modification: This would be patently absurd being scientists are already aware how fragile our climate is.

2.) Weather warfare: This has been banned by the U.S. and the U.N. since the 1970s. Any nation participating in weather warfare runs the risk of economic punishment (or worse) by the rest of the world.

3.) HAARP:
This facility studies the ionosphere because little is currently known about this part of Earth. Research is geared towards communications and the effects of solar disturbances.

HAARP Energy Output:
How the heck anyone could attribute this feeble amount of power to weather modification, earthquakes or tsunamis is beyond me.

Just because HAARP is a strange looking facility doesn't mean it's sinister. To suggest this installation in Alaska is somehow sending plasma beams to small local areas in the U.S. to make clouds disappear is the height of science fiction.

Are some of our projects secret in whole or in part? Of course they are. Some things are kept secret for good reason; because they have economic or military value.

Believing in conspiracies reveals an underlying flaw in thinking ability. It's like an addiction to potato chips; you can't have just one.....

Belief without evidence is called "faith." People who believe in conspiracies are no more intellectual or scientific than religious fundamentalists. They may well be very "knowledgeable" but when it comes to analyzing their knowledge, they fail. (I'm not pulling this out of thin air; I've studied it.)

Tim in NC
In this thread: Explanation of the Quackery. - Tim_NC, 3/1/2011, 12:52 am
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