Re: I beg to differ with Jim
Posted by Longislandcane on 11/5/2012, 12:05 pm
The comparison to the 1938 Hurricane is irrelevant at this point - I have many friends & family that have been displaced due to Sandy - Many have had their homes destroyed.

My issue with Jim in regards to this storm lies in the fact that I think in his efforts to not fall under the category of an "alarmist" amongst his peers - he has landed too far on the other side of the fence. In a sense dismissing this storm as it approached taking the "out of site, out of mind" approach.

With that said, I have been & will continue to be a huge supporter of both Jim & his website - It just became obvious at a point last week that he wasn't going to "Nail" this one.

In this thread:
I beg to differ with Jim - Gianmarc, 11/2/2012, 5:33 pm
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