Major Weather Pattern Change Occuring Now in SE US---Tropical Season Beginning
Posted by jack ruby on 7/6/2009, 5:23 pm
The powerful continental high that was so entrenched over the northern Gulf Coast for weeks on end (providing 100 degree temps on a consistent basis) has finally been removed. Jet Stream has swept it away and provided a strong W-E Zonal flow across the north Gulf Coast and pushed a strong but not too deep trough off the US East Coast. Bermuda High in the Atlantic has retreated some, but in the next week or so looks to build back toward Fl into its customary tropical location during hurricane season. So as this more typical tropical set up begins to unfold, we also have our first decent tropical wave of the season moving south of Hispaniola. For all intents and purposes, we have the real beginning of the hurricane season bubbling up before our eyes. New set-up on sat.
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