Re: Hurricane Modification
Posted by
Conclue on 1/2/2010, 12:47 pm
Scaling. Our biggest sealiners are specs relative to the size of the GOM. That's just considering 2 dimensions. Your "pump" system would have to be so expansive it would defy logic.
The TC is going to churn enough water as it is, with warmer water pushing out as cooler water is "extracted" from below. IE. LOTS of mixing. Have you ever seen what goes on at the surface of the ocean when you have a monsterous hurricane? Your talking walls of water moving one way and another.
The law of unintended consquences. Kinda like having billions of vechiles that pump out Co2 once extracted. Sounds like a good fix at first. All this walking. Now we have cars. Now we have AGW and now we have people trying to solve the problem by altering a natural balance ALLREADY disrupted by man made processes and your plan only advances these issues further.
All this talk about geoengineering ways to prevents TC's is ridiculous IMO. We still don't know exactly why or how Torandoes form. We rely on theory that hasn't proved itself, yet on the spin side of things regarding TC's, people think they can develop some technology to supress them.
The end of the matter is that TC's are GLOBAL HEAT TRANSPORT ENGINES. Theres a reason why were seeing stronger TC's because there is MORE latent heat within the oceans from the effect of AGW, and thus the planet's atmosphere needs to balance this out. Screwing with natural process that have a GLOBAL effect is not logical, period because there is just far too much we dont know.
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Hurricane Modification -
12/30/2009, 9:30 am Post A Reply
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