Re: more likely it was Cameron's public "backing" of BP
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James g on 6/11/2010, 2:29 pm
Some of the most impoverished people in all the western world are already suffering due to the greed of BP.Now I do not wish hardship on anyone,however people who have money to invest should invest that money responcibily or else reap the same problems they have sowed upon others. The crimes of BP go far beyond this particular incident.In Columbia BP has managed to take charge of military regiments and have used those regiments against striking workers.Those workers are only trying to secure decent wages,living conditions and enviromental protections for their nation.The truth is that BP, like so many other corporations ,comprises little more than a criminal facist mob supported by people of varying wealth who have failed to take responcibility for the evil they are and have financed. We here in America desperately need to learn that it is not in the best interest of our enviroment,our health,our children or the cause of liberty and freedom to allow a minority private sector to control and seek exclusive profit from the natural resources all Americans depend upon.The wealth and liberty of a few, at the expense of our enviroment and the freedom and wellbeing of many, should not be the legacy fostered by this country or any other.While we should indeed be wary of the power of the collective,we should be just as aware of the fact that private power can destroy individual as well as collective freedom just as readily as any collective force.Just as communities or the people as a whole should always respect the rights of indivduals and minority groups,private enities are obligated to oblige the rights of the community as ultimately the loss of freedom for one is a loss of liberty for both.We would also do well to understand the fact that freedom should not include the right to destroy the enviroment and or resources that others depend upon for their material and emotional needs.Aside from the accsess to undestroyed nature I would be the first to argue that freedom is an impossibility anyway.No apologies to my conservitive freinds who believe that the mere privalidge of having a job constitutes individual liberty !
Thanks to Jimw and the others who maintain this site for the oppourtunity to share opinions,not directly related to hurricanes. Thanks for your tolerance.
Hurricane and weather enthusists such as my self,will in the future be forced to take an increasing interest in political matters as various enities,including the military have been given the green light to engage in weather modification activities.Maybe I am wrong, but I shudder at the thought of a time when even our atmosphere is no longer in a natural state ! Imagine if you will the day when ceartain people have the power to prohibit hurricane formation,influence or control storm motion,or worse yet ,make man-made storms which they fully control,''untill something goes wrong'' ! This is a topic that probably we weather enthusists and others,who believe that nature should be natural should discuss more often.Keep in mind that a spokesman for the US military,''navy, I believe'' has stated that they intend to ''own the weather ''whithin the next 20 years or so. Any thoughts on this ? |
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