Re: Diplomatic riff between US and Britain---millions of Brits pensions invested in BP
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James g on 6/12/2010, 3:39 am
Actually ArgosyTN, I am grossly ignorant concerning more than a few subjects,some of them very important subjects at that ! I do enjoy learning about things like meterology,climatology,biology,psychology,theology and many other topics.Besides my enjoyment of learning,I have over the years developed a real distaste for injustices of all forms.Sadly enough it is almost as if organized and established injustice is the very fiber of what we call modern civillization. What is really sad however,is how little I have done personaly to make a difference in the world ! I do plan on at least attempting to make a positive difference in this world of ours in what ever time I have left on this planet. I am now ceartain that we live at a point in history in which people who feel compelled to struggle for justice,can no longer put that struggle off untill a more convient time.When powerfull enities such as our own military publicaly announces their plans to own or be able to control an aspect of nature such as the atmosphere and ,or the weather,you can be sure that tyranny of the worst degree is at hand.To control nature,even partialy is to partialy own nature.To claim to own any aspect of nature is a claim to own the human beings who depend upon and ,or are affected by that aspect of nature.This being the case we are indeed at the moment when we must stand for what is right or else live and die as slaves. I am very interested in forming what would essentially be a public out reach and educational group dedicated to the cause of informing the public of the facist roots and nature of modern American and Europeon led globalism.I only need to figure out where to begin ! Your input is more than welcome. |
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