Re: Surprised hasn't yet been posted----20 dead in Arkansas flooding!!
Posted by James g on 6/11/2010, 8:13 pm
Only a few minutes ago I heard on CNN that due to the remoteness of that area FF warnings were delayed.I am somewhat perplexed by this as even though I am not overly familiar with that region I do know that several NOAA radars cover that area.While this area is refered to as mountainous few if any of those mountains extend even up to 3000 feet,so those radars generaly are not hindered by the terrain.Besides these points,this region while very rural, is far from being a place characterized by remote wilderness in which means of communication are sparce.While it is true that the water rose very rapidly, that rise should not have came as a complete surprise because of the fact that this was a rather prolonged rain event,which again NOAA radars should have been showing very well.I would not be as puzzeled if this would have occoured say in the Rockies or even in the Appalachians as a result of t-storms which had dumped say 8 plus inches of rain in just a matter of a few hours.I can not help but suspect that someone was asleep at the wheel, so to speak, as far as monitering the weather and relaying timely warnings to people. Something other than the weather went wrong here !
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Surprised hasn't yet been posted----20 dead in Arkansas flooding!! - jack ruby, 6/11/2010, 4:46 pm
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