Re: Alex Postmortem. Its time to cut the BS and face facts.
Posted by
Conclue on 6/26/2010, 9:01 pm
Go ahead JAC tell 'em how you really feel. LMAO!
Excellent post. A light bulb went off in my head when you said understanding the upper tropospheric dynamics because I started thinking about Gianmarcs post in the other thread and I think that's why we're seeing such GREAT EPIC outflow with Alex right now on vis (because of the impressive AC) . Alex's awesome looking because he's tightly wound in the center (convection wise) but yet he's got these two outlfow channels that just stand out beautifully I think because of that great AC.
I do agree if this storm had traveled through that Cat 5 Generator we'd be talking about a monsterous powerful system right now.
It's only June and we could have had a Major Hurricane if things were just a bit further north/northwest.
I mean I don't know maybe some people don't realy understand how and why the atmosphere is ripe this season for major genesis and I take it for granted, but in my mind I know we're allready in for a crazy season and dont need one storm's development to convince me of the ifs whens or whys. If conditions change mid season like 2008/2009 seasons, then we may not get the season were looking for but a complete reversal in ENSO back to El Nino conditions seems highly unlikely and that damn A0 this season in conjunction with El Nino really cooked the hell out of the water. The fact that the TCHP has Aug 2005 values NOW, in June is just sickening and with little shear forecasted for the season i don't see SST's cooling that much. At least not enough in the atlantic to really help us out.
That wave you mention over Africa was f----- freaky looking over land but then within hours it went "poof" the damn thing looked like a storm when you posted it on that image! |
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