Re: 27L Flaring in the East Carib. WHY?????
Posted by JAC on 8/17/2010, 9:58 am

The instability is the thing that intrigues me with this.

Laterst sounding at 15N 70W looks good for continued deep convection to fire.

CAPE nearly 4000 with LI = -6.

To me, it looks like there is a small UL jet to the west; but GFS forecasts it to dissipate in 24 hrs.

The TUTT approaching from the east appears to me to be the main influencing factor in about 48 to 60 hrs.

Not saying it will develop for sure; just something to watch.

In this thread:
27L Flaring in the East Carib, but can it hold on in 60 hrs - JAC, 8/17/2010, 7:43 am
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