Significant shift in the steering Pattern for Earl
Posted by Jake on 8/26/2010, 1:25 pm
12z  model guidance has made a significant change in the long term players affecting Earl.
Although early, models are now ejecting Danielle much quicker. If this trend continues, the weakness left by Danielle will be replaced by a western building ridge now north of Earl, as the eastern mid-lat trough finally pulls out and is replace by an upper blocking high. The ridge will not allow Earl to turn NW-N as it nears the northern antilles, instead a more WNW track will continue, as the sub-tropical ridge builds west and merges with a new ridge across the eastern half of the CONUS.

This is significant  development by the GFS, UKMET and EURO.....
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Significant shift in the steering Pattern for Earl - Jake, 8/26/2010, 1:25 pm
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