Posted by IndyDave on 1/31/2011, 3:09 pm
Trying to gather up some work stuff I can do at home for the next few days.  My son has a 6 p.m. basketball game tonight, then hopefully I get home before it starts to spread some ice melt on my driveway.  Very happy that I had all the trees in my yard trimmed in October.  Still doesn't keep me from damage, but probably greatly reduced the risk, especially with the two Bradford pear trees near the house that had gotten out of control.

I got my storm shopping done early yesterday morning, but got home and realized I need some extra C batteries for my best radio and could probably use either another small packet of firewood or a few of the fake logs just in case.  

Just met with the employees to talk about taking work home, doing what you can and mostly staying safe.  In 16 years I have been here the office has never officially closed.  

Kinda glad we didn't get the Super Bowl this year in Indy - what a PR disaster that would have been and the hotels definitely would not be able to offer $59 blizzard rates for those workers who get stuck downtown.  Would have been sleeping on the floor of my office in that case.

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Conclues PDS Winter Storm - JAC, 1/30/2011, 8:07 pm
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