Re: Megastorm cranking up
Posted by Conclue on 2/1/2011, 8:43 am
NOAA's servers are taking a beating it seems. it's taking forever to load stuff.

It's snowing SO HARD rightnow at my house. I can barely see the end of the street and this is the overunning event.

JAC, I can't help but really agree with you about this system and the models not handling it well in terms of underestimating it. Last night, radar looked more impressive than the models indicated for that point and time.

Did you guys see IR? HOLY S----! This looks similar to the Superstorm of 1993. That storm is exploding with convectiong right now. The "trowal" region is HUGE.

I do NOT understand how NWS ALB has 7-11 inches for the day tomorrow. I don't understand, they must be expecting alot of sleet for us or something then, when nearly every model indicates over 20 inches for us in ALB. I haven't looked at latest guidance yet, I'm OVERWHELMED with trying to track this storm, lol.

And I have classes all day. Damn.
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Megastorm cranking up - JAC, 2/1/2011, 8:14 am
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