Re: A single universal field of intelligence
Posted by
JAC on 2/18/2011, 4:21 pm
He has some interesting viewpoints and in a sense I can understand where he is coming from.
I think he is applying TM with Physics.
When you think about it, the Sun and Earth are connected thru the gravitational field and EM field.
Just about everyone connects to each other thru the EM field.
We are separate observers.
But when you get into the quantum level that changes.
The observer affects the object (Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle).
Electrons are not totally billiard balls and not totally waves on a pond.
We attempt to understand quantum-level phenomena by correlating with our own daily experiences and the macro-level models we have built in our heads (Newtonian Physics).
It is a whole different abstraction when you get into the world of quantum mechanics - all things become possible.
I think Feynman started along this line of thinking when he developed QED.
Since then they unified EM with strong and weak fields.
Now it is SU(5) which the guy you just saw on Youtube is one of the developers of.
I heard he got slapped on the hands from the director at CERN when he tried to mix TM with SU(5).
And you know, in the back of my mind, I think it would be arrogant to think we are the highest form of intelligence in this universe.
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